Winter Coping Skills

Many health and wellness experts encourage exercise, healthy diet, exposure to light, and socialization to help combat the winter blahs. I'm not disputing any of that. I am however adding a few of my own suggestions.

While many people thrive on outdoor sports and activities, there are a large number of people who do not. Regardless if your a skier, sledder, or snowshoe enthusiast, there are winter days you simply cannot motivate yourself to get outside or the weather is too dangerous to even consider going outside. Days when  there IS no sunlight (and you cannot afford a light box). Long stretches of time when your friends and family can't get together with you. Days and nights when you crave foods that are not normally part of your diet.

         Instead of seeing winter as a force to combat, see it  as a force to embrace.

                                              My girls are not too keen about snow either

There are many indoor activities that you can partake in, regardless of the weather.

How about these:

Winter is the perfect time to tackle that long to read list, plow through that stack of magazines which have piled up, and indulge in the Sunday newspaper.

After holiday sales can be a decorators dream.  Post- holidays you can find great deals on new sheets, curtains and towels, wall hangings, and art. Use any gift cards for sprucing up the house.
Rearrange the furniture. Get your home ready for the spring so when the warm weather hits you're ready to spend it outside.

Culinary delights-
Use those winter cravings to your advantage. Explore bread baking and cake making, but choose recipes that are healthier, such as sugar free or whole grain.

Gather seed catalogs and begin mapping out next years garden. Whether you have space for garden beds or container plants, planning can be fun. In the meantime, grow easy indoor herbs such as parsley, mint, chives, and basil. They can be used fresh or dried for future use.

I do not have a particular craft that I'm nuts about so I pick a new craft every winter. My choice depends on what I find at the thrift store, or whatever is on clearance at the craft shop. It's fun to try something new.

Winter is a great time to send postcards, letters, and photos to friends and family. It is nice to get something other than a bill in the mail.

These activities can make winter a bit less dreary, and can be done without the television blaring. I suggest shutting off the tv and playing upbeat music, or how about something soothing? One winter I switched iPods with a friend and listened to music I would not normally download.

Getting fresh air in the winter is a must for health and well-being. Try to get out for a little bit each day, even if you just walk the perimeter of your property or do circles around your house. But if you're not a huge winter outdoor person then don't stress out. Not everyone is. Rest assured that spring will come, and then you can be outside to your little hearts content

Peace, May


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